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SURELY IT'S NOT SAFE TO HAVE AN OPEN-CAST COAL MINE SO CLOSE TO OVERVAAL HIGH SCHOOL?According to legislation, as long as the mine is at least 100m away from a property, it is deemed acceptable. From some of the research annexures, it seems as if Overvaal High School was not indicated on all maps and there is no clarity whether this was taken into account when considering noise pollution from blasting and heavy machinery as well as air pollution from the overburdens. Please see Appendix 3I - page 29 on the Springfield Air Quality Impact Assessment ( and Appendix 3J - page 27 on the Vlakfontein Air Quality Impact Assessment (
WHAT IF I HAVE A BOREHOLE? HOW WILL THIS AFFECT MY WATER?Please have a look at the attached images in the slideshow to see what the concern is in the Vlakfontein area.
WHAT ABOUT OUR HERITAGE SITES?Five burial grounds and graves are just outside the MR area, but would be impacted and damaged during the construction phase. With mitigation, the researchers have determined that the impact could move from high to low. See Appendix 3A and Appendix 3M on the Springfield and Vlakfontein Public review documents respectively for further details-
HOW WILL THE COAL BE TRANSPORTED?As per Springfield's Appendix 3N Social Impact Assessment Report, page 30 ( after coal has been crushed and washed, it will be transported to the Redan Siding for distribution or directly via truck to the relevant markets. The 52-truck layout of Redan Siding has a capacity constraint and can only rail 200 000 tonnes per month. An Over Rail Bridge at the new Redan Road (M61) as well as the construction of a new overland conveyor system, located next to the railway line that is lined to a Rapid Loading Terminal, is being investigated. The coal will b processed at the Coal Handling and Processing Plant, then transported by the proposed overland conveyor system, which will run from the plant to a main transfer station located 300m west of a dormant bridge which crosses the R59 highway from West to East. The overland conveyor system will cross the highway via this existing bridge and follow the railway line south towards the coal stockpile area, which will be located on the East of the R59 highway between the Redan and Ring Road off-ramps. It is expected that the coal conveying capacity via the overland conveyor system will be such that trains can be loaded at the required rate of 8 000 tonnes per 3.2 hours, twice in 24 hours.
VLAKFONTEIN HAS A HAZARDOUS LANDFILL. WILL THE BE AFFECTED?Averda has been classified as a class A hazardous landfill. It has plastic lining above the ground and under the waste in order to prevent toxins from leaching into the soil. No mention of this was made in the blasting and vibration impact assessment report, or any other assessment. This might be due to the fact that it falls just outside the perimeter of concern with blasting and vibration. This does not, however, mean that there might be damage to the plastic lining and leaching might occur.
WILL THE MINE PAY FOR OUR HOUSES?Mines will only purchase property that they plan to mine on. Any adjacent houses/property will not be purchased.
WHO ARE THE ROLE PLAYERS?Glubay Coal (Pty) Ltd An affiliate company of Canyon Resources, applied for mining rights in Springfield and Vlakfontein, Vereeniging, in order to mine coal via an open-cast system. On 15 December 2022, the mining rights application was approved (MR No. GP30/5/1/2/2/10 113MR Acceptance of this application DOES NOT GRANT THEM THE RIGHT TO COMMENCE WITH ANY PROSPECTING AND MINING ACTIVITIES. The minister or his delegate will consider the application and grant a decision within 300 days from date of acceptance of application. Prescali Environmental Consultants (Pty) Ltd An independent environmental consulting firm, appointed by Glubay Coal. They are undertaking the Environmental Impact Assessment Reporting (S&EIAR) process and related studies for the Mining Right, Environmental Authorisation (EA) and Water Use Licence Application (WULA) processes. Zitholele Consulting (Pty) Ltd Appointed to facilitate the Public Participation Process associated with the applications.
HOW MANY JOBS WILL THE MINE GENERATE?It is estimated that approximately 300 jobs will be created. Keep in mind that not all these jobs will be from the Vereeniging area. Also keep in mind that far more employment opportunities are going to be lost with the displacement of agricultural land users and other businesses who will be forced to close due to air and noise pollution.
HOW WILL THE COAL BE TRANSPORTED IF THE MINE IS APPROVED?The current private siding, serving Metalloys, has constraints and isn't fit for purpose. Redan Siding has truck constraints and can only handle 200 000 tonnes per month. An over-rail bridge at the new Redan Road (M61) is being considered, with the construction of an overland conveyor system, next to the railway line, linking to a Rapid Loading Terminal.
HOW MUCH COAL IS EXPECTED TO BE MINED?Different documentation supplied gives different answers. One document states that the production of coal will start at approximately 100 000 tonnes of coal per month, increasing by approximately 100 000 tonnes per month to an average of 600 000 tonnes per month during full production (See Springfield Appendix 3N - Social Impact Assessment Report, page 3 - The mining works programme document (Vlakfontein Appendix 9, page 17 ) says that production of coal will start at approximately 50 000 tonnes per month, increasing to approximately 100 000 tonnes per month during full production.
HOW WILL THE COAL BE MINED?This will be an open-cast mine, involving strip mining and blasting.
WHO BENEFITS FROM THE MINE?The mine will generate revenues for the government through the payment of royalties, taxes and dividends. The mine will offer bursaries and other educational/training opportunities, but only in the first 5 years. Remember that the lifespan of the mine is about 31 years. Training is not a guarantee of a job at this mine (see employment advert in the slideshow). Remember that financial gain through employment will be offset by the cost of failing health due to air pollution.
DOES INSURANCE COVER CRACKING AS A RESULT OF THE BLASTING/VIBRATION?Unfortunately this type of damage is very rarely covered by insurance. It is advised that you contact your broker/insurer and confirm what your specific cover entitles you to. Please see the following article as an example:
WHAT IS THE PROJECTED LIFESPAN OF THE MINE?Approximately 30/31 years. Year 1 - Construction, initial cut and ramp-up. Years 2-31 - Mining and rehabilitation.
WHAT AREAS ARE AFFECTED?Approximately 2547 hectares, located on portions 2, 16,22,28,29,30,31,34,35,39,54,55,59,64,65,66,78,82,83,84,85,93,95,97,99,100,102,105 and 106 of the Farm Kookfontein 545 IQ ; and portions 2,8,36 and 37 of the farm Damfontein 541 IQ ; and portions 1 and 4 of the Farm Smaldeel 542 IQ ; and portions 1,13,14,16,61,84,89 and 101 of the Farm Waldrift 599 IQ ; and portion 159 of the Farm Vlakfontein 546 IQ; Emfuleni and Midvaal Local Municipalities, approximately 7km South of Meyerton and 10km North of Vereeniging, Gauteng
WHO WILL THE COAL BE SUPPLIED TO?It is anticipated that Glubay Coal will sell to the domestic market ie Eskom (Grootvlei and Lethabo Power Stations), Sappi, Sasol etc, as well as international markets.
WHAT IS OPEN CAST MINING?In open-cast mining, the soil cover is scraped off and stock-piled. Before coal extraction, a large area of the coal deposit is then exposed by removing the covering rock (the overburden) from the mined area usually using trucks and mechanised shovels or bucket-wheel excavators. The overburden of soil and rock is first broken up by explosives; it is then removed by draglines or by shovel and truck. Once the coal seam is exposed, it is drilled, fractured and systematically mined in strips”
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